Creating a concept travel app that allows users to travel the universe at the click of a button.
App Design
Design,Brand Design
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About the Project
Idea development, including sketching and research to drive innovation and creativity.
This project took a lot of planning and organisation as there was a lot to cover within the set timeframe. I began with collating app ideas on Miro, creating boards exploring the directions I could take it. Following this, I carried out a large amount of research into the area of travel apps. One of my key influences for the direction I took was our lecturer saying it didn’t have to be a “real” app and that we could push it to the limits. Due to this, I settled on a space theme. Following finding a theme to base the app around I began researching competitors and existing travel apps on the market.
University Module
6 Weeks
Idea Development Miro Mind
Sketching and Research
Researching competition and beginning initial sketching.
I began sketching and iterations through ideas, some of which would get changed later on in the process. I tend to find my initial sketches too messy to convey what I mean to other people so I always go back and refine them further. I recently saw a way of displaying phone mockup sketches that would give you a better idea of the scale of buttons and the positioning before taking it to a digital medium. These helped in working out the placement of buttons and that anything regularly used was in reach.
Figma Travel App Template
Traveling App designed by Cal Esatama
I looked at a lot of other app designs and the placement of their buttons and content and used these to inform my designs and itterations. Not only did I take notice to the placement of content but also the styling of text and images. The use of rounded edges and recurring colours.
Creating an Icon set to represent planets.
Designing a set of icons was part of the task set. I thought it would be appropriate to design a set of planet icons. These went through iterations of colour and line thickness. To begin with I had them fully coloured with shading however I felt like this subtracted from the rest of the design and made them less of and icon and more of an illustration.
Planet Icon Set
Digital Work
Digital Sketching and the Final Outcome.
After going through multiple iterations and digital sketches I came to a final set of screens that I liked. I took these into photoshop and places them into some high-resolution mockups and displayed them on a background. Overall I was happy with my outcome and was pleased with the relationship in size between the app design and the phone.
Overview and reflection.
Overall I was pleased with the outcome of the task and feel as if I have addressed the criteria appropriately. I enjoyed the sketching and idea development stages of this project. I was pleased with how my icons came out and found that they fitted well within the app, however, I didn’t create different sized vectors so I had to redesign them later to be scaled up which cause a backup in my workflow.

With respect to the digital iterations, I needed to take more progression photos and screenshots to show my progression and iterations. Unfortunately, all I have now is the mess that those failed versions left behind and any sketching that lead up to them. In regards to the design, I am very pleased. I would have liked to spend more time on the illustrations however I had fairly limited time.

If I were to do it again I would show more screens with user interactions and how these would be carried out. I think that the lack of popups and motion within my mockups lets them down. I would also create a Gantt chart to help manage my time, especially with a large project like this that can easily be broken down into multiple smaller tasks.